PetsTEK Blog

Decoding Dog Barking Sounds - What Does My Dog's Barking Say?
What does your dog braking mean? Why won't your dog stop the nuisance barking and how do you stop it?

Debunking Common E-Collar Training Myths
Will an e-collar hurt your dog? Is a remote training collar like a taser? We answer these questions and more.

All You Need to Know About E-Fences for Dogs
Considering an electric dog fence? For some pet experts, these “invisible fences” are a source of controversy. Find out if an electric dog fence is the right choice for your pet.

GPS Collars are the Best Tracking Collars for Your Dog – Here’s Why
There are millions of lost dogs per year. Don’t let your pet be part of the statistics. Get a GPS tracking collar.

No Bark Collars: What Are They and Do They Work?
Non-Stop nuisance barking is a common problem among dog owners. Don’t let frustration drive you into giving up your dog. Consider the alternative: no-bark collars.

4 Reasons Why Your Dog is Not Responding to Remote Training Collar Stimulation
Why is your dog not responding to stimulation? Is your remote training collar broken? We have the answers in this week’s blog.

Top 5 Reasons Why an E-Collar is Safe for Your Dog
Remote training collars and no bark collars are thought to be cruel and inhumane. We discuss why this is simply not true.