PetsTEK Blog

Dogtra E-Collar Highlight: EDGE vs EDGE RT
Can’t decide between the Dogtra EDGE and EDGE RT remote dog training collar? Here’s a comparison guide to help you out.

Is Gifting a Christmas Pet a Good Idea?
Giving pets as presents may seem like a great idea. But a dog shouldn’t be a spur-of-the-moment Christmas gift. This blog details the factors to consider before gifting a pet this Christmas.

Positive Reinforcement vs Balanced Dog Training
What is the best dog training method? Can positive reinforcement address all the problems in training? Or is balanced training the right way to go? Which training method should pet owners and trainers use? We answer all these questions in today’s blog.

Meet the Breeds: Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever dogs are among the smartest dog breeds. This intelligent dog breed makes great family companions. Here’s everything you need to know about Golden Retrievers, including what exercises to do, what food to feed them and how often, and what dog training shock collar is best for a Golden Retriever.

PetSafe E-Collar Feature: How to Use the PDT00-15748 SMART DOG® Trainer
Just got your PetSafe SMART DOG® Trainer but don’t know how to set up? Here’s everything you need to know about how to use the SMART DOG® Trainer.

The Best Shock Collars for Stubborn Dogs
Stubborn dogs can be challenging. But you don't need to live with the frustration. You can train your stubborn dog to be a better-behaved dog. We list some of the best shock collars for stubborn dogs to help you.

Finding the Right Dog for You
How do you decide what dog is right for you? This guide will help you know what to consider before getting a pet dog, how to choose the right breed, and where to get them.

A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing: E-Collar vs Bark Collar vs E-Fence
E-collars come in three types: remote training collars, no bark collars, and e-fence systems. While it’s not hard choosing among them, it can get a bit tricky, especially if it’s your first e-collar purchase. Find out everything you need to know about each e-collar type, their advantages, and when you should consider getting them.