PetsTEK Affiliate Trainer - Fowler and Family Dog Training

Emily Remmers is From Kansas City,KS and found her love of dog training in the areas of agility and trick dog in 2015 when she adopted her first dog that was truly her dog and not a just a family dog. That dog was Fowler a cattle dog mix from a local Kansas city shelter. Fowler at the time was around a year old when adopted. It was Fowler who introduced Emily to this crazy world that she has grown too love to learn about since Fowler had no training what so ever when she got him.
Emily is just in the beginning of her experience in the dog world and is always learning and expanding her knowledge of techniques and other dog sports. She believes that the best trainers never stop learning and keep an open mind to try new things.
Fowler and Family Dog Training
Twitter: Fowler and Family
YouTube: Fowler and Family